movement & motion

Social Activity: Movement & Motion 
2nd Fridays of every month @ 10-11:30 AM
Classes held using Zoom technology

FACT: Adults need at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity each week, according to the National Institutes of Health. That is why we created Movement & Motion, a monthly social activity designed for people living with dementia and their care partners.

CALENDAR | Upcoming social activities and outings

Physical activity provides proven benefits for people living with dementia, such as increased blood flow to the brain, slowing of physical and cognitive decline, and reducing depression. It can also help with appetite regulation, improving sleep and providing vital social stimulation. Activities like Movement & Motion are great for care partners, too! Evidence suggests that getting your body moving can reduce stress, depression and caregiver burden.

See what it’s all about by watching the video below.

We hope you’ll join an upcoming Movement & Motion class! Click here to get the link to join and see the full calendar of upcoming social activities and outings.