Alzheimer’s San Diego is now providing free gun locks to families impacted by dementia that have a firearm in the home. These locks can secure firearms and help prevent an accident or injury.

The brain changes caused by dementia can impact a person’s ability to safely handle a firearm in several ways, even if he or she has been a lifelong gun owner. These changes include:

  • Poor judgment leading to bad decisions
  • Memory loss and confusion
  • Difficulty understanding situations & surroundings
  • Mood and personality changes
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Trouble recognizing familiar people

No matter how much experience a person has with firearms, cognitive impairment affects the ability to judge safe and unsafe situations. Consider the following gun safety checklist if there is someone with dementia in your home:

  • Do you know where all the guns are?
  • Does the person living with dementia have access to them?
  • Is it safe for the person with dementia to have access to the guns?
  • Has there been conversation about gun safety since the dementia diagnosis?
  • Do you know the options for securing or removing guns?

If you’d like to receive a free gun lock, call Alzheimer’s San Diego at 858.492.4400.

Thank you to Poway Weapons & Gear for generously donating the gun locks for this program!